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First Class Instructor’s Manual – Introduction

Planning and Delivering

Training Teaching sessions are more effective when they are appropriately planned in advance and assessed and evaluated afterwards. The checklist below outlines things to do before, during and after a training session.

Before the session

 Read the relevant chapter in the 1st class resource book to give you some background knowledge about the subject.

 Read the presentation notes and session plan, ensuring you have the right resources for the tasks you want to complete.

 Prepare your classroom; make sure the room is the right temperature and resources are ready.

 Turn on the computer and load the correct presentation. Check it works on your screen/projector.

 Ensure there is enough space for every participant to work.

 Copy or print the correct number of worksheets for the session.

During the Session

 Keep your teaching as varied as possible. Break up presentations by asking cadets questions or having ‘mini quizzes’.

 Try not to use PowerPoint for longer than 20 minutes without a break or different activity.

 Don’t be afraid to revisit complicated topics if cadets don’t understand.

 Complete activities as practically as possible.

 Allow cadets to complete their logbook in small sessions. Don’t wait until the end of a topic to allow cadets to fill in their logbook.

 The 1st class resource book will assist cadets to complete their logbook.

After the Session

 Check all cadet’s logbooks and sign the activities off when they are completed, as you go along. If you do this as you go along this will save you a lot of time at the end of the training and will allow you to correct errors.

 Ensure resources that have been used are replaced and returned to the correct place.

 Think about the ‘next steps’ for each cadet. Do some cadets need to revisit a topic?

 Give time for absent cadets to fill in their logbook so they don’t fall too far behind. They can use their 1st Class Resource Book to help with this.

 Ensure your classroom is tidy and ready for the next session.

 How could you improve for next time? Evaluate what went well and what didn’t and write this down in a notebook which you can refer to before repeating the session again.

This article is an extract from the First Class Air Cadet Instructor's Handbook available exclusively from Please note this information is subject to Copyright 2018 Thomas Grocott. Not for reproduction. Thomas Grocott has asserted his right to be identified as author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. Some images in this publication are Crown Copyright and contain public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

first class air cadet instructors handbook


air cadet classroom

Training Timetable
It is recommended that sessions are completed in the order shown. For best results mix with other whole squadron training over 3-4 months. Extra drill and workbook sessions can be added as appropriate. Timings for each session can be found on the individual session plans and can vary. Drill sessions should be around 30-45 minutes. Complete parts 1 & 2 first. When they have been completed and signed off in the 1st Class Cadet logbook, cadets can complete part 3. Ensure that the1st Class logbook is fully signed and up to date before claiming the certificate and badge. The squadron’s Commanding Officer, or someone who has not signed any other part of the logbook, should sign the final internal verification page.

air cadet training timetable

air cadet first class training tracker

This article is an extract from the First Class Air Cadet Instructor's Handbook available exclusively from Please note this information is subject to Copyright 2018 Thomas Grocott. Not for reproduction. Thomas Grocott has asserted his right to be identified as author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. Some images in this publication are Crown Copyright and contain public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

first class air cadet instructor book