Cadets in the Army Cadet Force (ACF) and Combined Cadet Force (CCF) are provided with uniforms that are essential to their role. Proper care and adherence to regulations are vital to maintaining the integrity of these uniforms. In this guide, we cover everything from uniform upkeep to personal turnout and saluting etiquette, ensuring cadets represent themselves and their detachment with...
Cadet Direct has been advised that financial restrictions by the MoD have been placed on cadet and CFAV uniforms. So we have come up with our cadet starter kit offer on Genuine Issue MTP Uniforms, berets and belts to help cadets looking to purchase their own kit. This kit is designed for ACF and CCF cadets and has all the...
As part of our interest in creating an Army Cadet Force uniform guide, Cadet Direct has been reviewing the current Army Dress Regulations Part 8 (April 2013). CCF uniform is also covered in the same document. ACF uniform includes MTP PCS uniform as well as No.2 Dress. The current issue No.2 Dress is referred to as Future Army Dress or...