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Air Cadet Drill

LO1: Be able to perform basic drill and saluting.

• Undertake basic drill

• Demonstrate how and when to salute

The article below is an extract from the First Class Air Cadet Resource Book.

Please note this information is subject to Copyright 2018 Thomas Grocott. Not for reproduction. Thomas Grocott has asserted his right to be identified as author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.Some images in this publication are Crown Copyright and contain public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

atc drill

Drill is an important skill which encourages team work and self discipline. This article will show you how to perform some basic drill moves and explains what is needed for you to complete your first class drill tests. To complete your first class training you will need to complete two drill tests. The first is a pre-uniform drill assessment. This concentrates on static movements and saluting. This article looks at some of these movements. When this has been completed you will normally be issued your uniform. The other is more detailed and will need to completed so you can obtain your first class qualification. This looks at marching and moving drill and more complex salutes. Your squadron staff or senior cadets will show you how to complete this section. The final part of this article contains a checklist for the two drill tests. Allow your instructor to fill it in after you have completed each part. Being good at drill takes practice. Practice whenever you can and ensure that you are as smart as you can be. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from staff or other cadets if you are not sure how to.

air cadet drill parade

stand at ease and attention

Stand at Ease

When an air cadet stands at ease it is important to have your feet 30cm apart. Your head should be up and eyes looking just above
your own head height. The hands should be placed behind the back with palms pushed out, the right hand on top of left. Cross your right thumb over your left and keep the arms straight. The command is 'STAND AT EASE' to a timing of ONE:

standing at ease and attention

Copyright 2018 Thomas Grocott

Standing to Attention

When standing to attention, the feet should be at 45 degrees and legs together. The cadet should put their head up with eyes looking just above
their own head height. Arms should be pushed down and the body braced. Place hands in a fist with the thumbs vertical, facing the front. The back of the middle finger should be touching the seams of the trousers or skirt. Command:

right dress and eyes front

Right Dress & Eyes Front
For this drill command, all air cadet personnel turn their head to the right (except for the right marker of the parade and the right markers of each rank) on the UP timing. Personnel on front rank bring up their right arm sharply on the UP timing. You need to pause on the LEFT-RIGHT timing. On the DRESSING timing, all shuffle their feet so they are in line with the person to the right side and /or in front of them. This should be quick. The arms should be at 90 degrees to the floor, straight and locked. Shoulders should be kept square without the body bending. On the command eyes front, the squad will move their heads left again and sharply put their right arm by their side:

air cadet right dress and eyes front

air cadet right dress

Copyright 2018 Thomas Grocott

turnings at the halt

Copyright 2018 Thomas Grocott

about turn at the halt

Copyright 2018 Thomas Grocott


Air Cadet Front Salute
On the UP timing, bring up right hand smartly, in a circular motion to the side of the head. Index finger should be 20mm behind and to the right of
the right eye. The wrist should be straight and elbow in line with shoulders. Hold this during the TWO-THREE timing. On the DOWN timing, bring right arm smartly down to the side of the body through the shortest route, back to the position of attention. Command: Timing: TO THE FRONT - SALUTE UP-TWO-THREE-DOWN:

air cadet saluting at the halt

Copyright 2018 Thomas Grocott

Right/ Left Salute
On the UP timing, Turn head 90 degrees left or right so it is over the shoulder and bring up right hand smartly, in a circular motion to the side
of the head. Index finger should be 20mm behind and to the right of the right eye. Wrist should be straight and elbow in line with shoulders. Hold this during the TWO-THREE-FOUR-FIVE timing.  On the DOWN timing, bring right arm smartly down to the side of the body through the shortest route and turn back your head so you are in the position of attention. Command: Timing: TO THE RIGHT/LEFT- SALUTE UP-TWO-THREE-FOUR-FIVE-DOWN:

right left salute

air cadet right left salute


Copyright 2018 Thomas Grocott

atc marching

Marching is a smart, uniformed way of walking. When in a large group, you may be expected to march. Start by walking with your left foot forward first and at the same time bring up your right arm so it is 90 degrees to the floor and push your left arm to the rear. Then bring forward your right foot forward and bring up your left arm to 90 degrees, pushing your right arm back. Repeat this process to march forward in time with the other people in your group. Make sure your arms are locked and kept completely straight. Hands are to be clenched with the thumb on top. Pushing down your thumb will help you keep your arms straight. Command: Timing: LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT BY THE LEFT/RIGHT/CENTRE - QUICK - MARCH.

air cadet marching

atc drill test

During your initial training you will be tested on your drill twice. 

Pre-Uniform Drill Assessment

Before you are given your uniform, you should be able to demonstrate how to complete the drill movements below:
pre-uniform drill assessment test

First Class Drill Assessment

To complete your first class cadet training, you should be able to complete the following drill movements 

1. Position of at Ease
2. Detail Shun
3. Detail Move to the Left, Left Turn
4. Detail Move to the Right, Right Turn
5. Detail About Turn6 Detail Move to the Left, Left Incline

7 Detail Move to the Right, Right Incline
8 To the Front Salute
9 To the Left (and Right) Salute
10 Fall Out
11 An Officer on Parade, Dismiss
12 Right Dress (Eyes Front) (Also Without Intervals)
13 Open Order March
14 Paces Forwards/Rearwards
15 Paces Sideways
16 Forming Flight
17 Fall out of and into a squad to receive an award

first class drill assessment

The air cadet will also be expected to execute the following sequence of marching drill movements:

1 Quick March
2 Halt
3 About Turn
4 Officer Passing Your Front Salute
5 To the Front Salute
6 Eyes Left/Right
7 Mark Time
8 (Mark Time) Halt
9 (Mark Time) Forward

air cadet marching drill movements